Helping WG members gain RDF Hands-on experience (was Re: RDFCore WG 2001-05-18 Teleconference Agenda)

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Aaron Swartz wrote:

> Brian McBride <> wrote:
> > 15  Helping WG members new to RDF come up to speed.
> Perhaps this is something we could do off-list, since familiarity with RDF
> was supposed to be a pre-requisite for joining the WG:
> <q cite="">
> Working Group members will need to be familiar with the RDF Model and Syntax
> Specification, RDF Schema 1.0 Specification, and other related XML
> specifications (particularly XML Schema), and will ideally have
> implementation experience with RDF-based applications.
> </q>
> I don't think our valuable group time should be spent on this.

This was my idea. We do indeed expect WG members to be familiar with a
vast and ever growing range of technologies. As chairs we're nevertheless
aware that WG members have had varied histories; some have spent many
happy hours wrestling with RDF APIs, parsers etc., others have found
equally rewarding ways of spending their time. We wanted to take a few
minutes on the teleconference to offer some (non telecon) time to
any WG members who felt they needed some hands-on experience with current
RDF tools. My suspicion was that such an exercise could also give us
fodder for 'RDF hands-on howto' FAQ entries or similar. There was no
intention to spend more than a few words on this during the call.

Since you raise this now, let's try to do this by email with a brief
follow-on tommorrow. If there are any WG members who feel their work on
this group would be enhanced by more RDF hands-on experience, I hereby
offer to spend a little time with them (in logged IRC) going through some
of the existing RDF tools that are out there. I'd hope they would also
help turn our experiments into a document that would help others going
through the same learning curve.

That's it really. Note that we also expect WG members to be familiar with
XML Schema. I for one have to admit to not feeling fully up to speed with
various aspects of the XML Schema specification. That's life; our job is
to work around it! If anyone would like to spend some time looking at XML
Schema tools / implementations with me I'd be very interested... We can't
all read everything, but we can hopefully learn something through sharing
what we do know.



Received on Thursday, 17 May 2001 14:55:34 UTC