Re: try 2 - test cases for #rdf-containers-syntax-ambiguity, #rdf-containers-syntax-vs-schema

>  M&S says:
>  For a single collection resource there may be at most one triple
>  whose predicate is any given element of Ord.

What does that mean? Suppose there are two such triples, in fact. Is 
that illegal RDF? Inconsistent RDF? Deprecated RDF? Perfectly fine 
RDF, but not interpretable as a container specification? Imply that 
that's not a collection resource after all? Or what?

In general it would be better if these 'voice-of-God' assertions were 
clarified somewhat in the M&S .

Pat Hayes

IHMC					(850)434 8903   home
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Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2001 18:46:55 UTC