Re: Proposal: #rdfms-identity-anon-resources

>On Wednesday, July 11, 2001, at 12:27  PM, Graham Klyne wrote:
>> 1. Are anonymous resources allowed in the abstract graph syntax?
>Not explicitly... I mean, I'm fine with triples stating anonymity,

?? That reads like an oxymoron to me. How can one state anonymity 
without referring to the thing in question, thereby rendering it not 

> but not with a special type of "anonymous" resource.
>>No specific mechanism for generating such URIs is mandated, but the 
>>following options might be considered:
>This is the problem I have. I think all parsers should spit out 
>equivalent genids for the same document -- the spec should mandate 
>the genid to use.

Than it's not a genid. The global uniqueness of the token (not type) 
is part of what makes the genid idea work, seems to me. If my parser 
has to use the same id as your parser, then why not just include that 
id in the syntax?

Pat Hayes

(650)859 6569 w
(650)494 3973 h (until September)

Received on Thursday, 12 July 2001 16:39:42 UTC