Re: Existential Quantification [Re: New RDF model theory]

> In danger of making another mistake ....
> I didn't quite see how the interpolation lemma worked when the LHS has
> anonymous nodes.
> How does it get the following entailment
> _:x <b> <c> .
> entails
> _:y <b> <c> .

I just see that we have a bug in our stuff...
  _:x <b> <c>. |=> _:y <b> <c>.
we assert LHS and query it with RHS
and i think we should query with
  {_:y <b> <c>} log:forAll _:y.
and then there is a match found with
  {_:x <b> <c>} log:forSome _:x.
(i have to think about that, and try...)

> Sorry if I'm being stupid.

What I learned via one of the RDF lists is
  "the wise searches for the truth
   while the stupid thinks he found it"
so I think you are very wise!

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 17 August 2001 09:43:29 UTC