RE: New XPath Filter Transform

Hi John,

from what I understood from your mails is that you need a transform which 
allows to easily iterate (tree-traversal) over a structure like a DOM tree 
without evaluating an costly XPath expression against every node in the 
XPath node set.

First of all, if the document [1] should become stable in it's current 
processing model, I would add a comment that this transform only makes 
sense as a first Transform after dereferencing a nodeset or after 
transforms which produced an octet stream which is reparsed. Why? Because 
if I e.g. have an XMLDSIG 1.0 XPath transform prior the new XPath filter, 
the results of the original transform are discarded.

But now to my approach: For me, it's not that clear how to use a sequence 
chain of multiple transforms 
to select the correct subset. But anyhow, I recently solved a similar 
problem and I thing that my solution would work in an alternative form of 
your filter.

Let's discuss the example in terms of DOM, even if the input is an XPath 
node set.:

We 'label' the tree with three different labels:

1.) The "dont-include-any-descendant-or-self" label
2.) The "include-descendant-or-self-and-search-forward" label
3.) The "dont-include-self-but-search-forward" label

Let's take Gregor's example to show how this transform works:

The input document is:


And I want to get as output of the transform



Which means all descendant-or-selfs of child1 but not it's grandchild2:


 <!-- don't output / but descend -
      you maybe find subtrees to be outputted -->
 <XPath Filter="dont-include-self-but-search-forward">

 <!-- We output the subtree under child1 but maybe
      something inside this subtree is omitted -->
 <XPath Filter="include-descendant-or-self-and-search-forward">

 <!-- don't output grandchild2 and don't descend -
      you won't find subtrees to be outputted -->
 <XPath Filter="dont-include-any-descendant-or-self">

Does this makes sense to you? You can do the same optimizations: You only 
evaluate 3 XPath expressions, you make a simple tree traversal and you 
don't descend into subtrees which only contain unselected information.



Received on Sunday, 17 March 2002 14:22:23 UTC