Re: Y5 Exclusive C145n interop; was Re: c14n/exc-c14n interop samples

>I am sorry but this document will be rendered correctly:
>  <A xmlns=""><B xmlns=""/ ></A>
>because when we are processing element <B> ns_rendered has default 
>with a *different* value (href). By this xmlns="" will be rendered for 
>element <B>

No it will not. xmlns="" is not a namespace node. It
is a serialization that indicates the lack of a default
namespace node. The XPath node set represents xmlns=""
as the lack of a default namespace node, not the
presence of a default namespace node with value "".

>>Similarly, the Method does not handle namespace nodes in
>>the InclusiveNamespaces.PrefixList correctly when some are
>>omitted from the namespace axis, nor does it render such
>>namespace nodes if their parent element is absent. 
>It does! The only thing is that in this case namespace node is not added 
>to ns_rendered list.

You're right. Maybe I should say that it mis-handles namespace
nodes (in the node set) on elements (not in the node set) whose
prefixes are not in InclusiveNamespaces.PrefixList.


Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2002 12:38:31 UTC