Re: Y5 Exclusive C145n interop; was Re: c14n/exc-c14n interop samples

Hi Christian,

>OK, I see. But what's up with attributes? We make exclusive c14n on a 
>nodeset where an attribute is in the document subset and the owner element 
>of the attribute is NOT in the document subset:
>Q: Do I output the attribute?

Yes. Exclusive c14n is concerned with suppressing unnecessary
namespace nodes which may be inherited from a changed document
context; not attributes notes which are not.


>--On Dienstag, 4. Juni 2002 15:52 +0100 merlin <> wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> Namespace nodes are not output if their parent element
>> is not in the node set, unless their prefix is in
>> IncusiveNamespaces.PrefixList.
>> Section 3, item 3
>>   [A namespace node not in IncusiveNamespaces.PrefixList is ignored if]
>>   1. Its parent element is not in the node set
>> Merlin
>> r/
>>> Hi Merlin, just a short question about exclusive c14n:
>>> In your (inclusive) c14n samples, you outputted attribute nodes and
>>> namespaces if they are in the document subset while their owner element
>>> is  not.
>>> Q: Does the same apply for exclusive c14n? For example, the 'A' element
>>> is  not in the subset but it's namespace and attribute axis: ([] denotes
>>> "in  the document subset):
>>> input:
>>> <A [d:a="foo"] [xmlns:a="http://a"] />
>>> output:
>>> xmlns:a="http://a" d:a="foo"
>>> Is this correct?
>>> Regards,
>>> Christian

Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2002 11:44:40 UTC