Re: Error in merlin-iaikTests-two.tar.gz?

Hi Christian,

I can't speak authoratitively to the specific test and example in Merlin's 
set, but on the c14n and exc-c14n front I can run the examples... 

xmlsec-python> -e 
-x "(//. | //@* | //namespace::*)[ancestor-or-self::n1:elem2]" 
-n "n1" -i foo.xml

<n1:elem2 xmlns:n1="" xml:lang="en">
<n3:stuff xmlns:n3=""></n3:stuff>

Normal c14n is:

-x "(//. | //@* | //namespace::*)[ancestor-or-self::n1:elem2]" 
-n "n1" -i foo.xml

<n1:elem2 xmlns:n0="foo:bar" xmlns:n1="" 
xmlns:n3="" xml:lang="en">

xml:lang does not appear in n3 in either case. In the exc-c14n: you don't 
bother with any xml:foo attribute that aren't utilized in that immediate 
element in the source instance; in c14n you only look for ancestor xml:foo 
attributes if the immediate element's parent element is omitted from the 
selection. Have you tried interoping with Gregor's examples yet? He 
included a good test of this stuff.

On Thursday 23 May 2002 16:22, Christian Geuer-Pollmann wrote:
> Hi Merlin,
> No, that can't be. That's strange. For instance, the exclusive c14n spec
> [1] tells me that subset c14n by selecting elem2 in this document
> <n0:local xmlns:n0="foo:bar"
>           xmlns:n3="">
> <n1:elem2 xmlns:n1=""
>           xml:lang="en">
> <n3:stuff xmlns:n3=""/>
> </n1:elem2>
> </n0:local>
> results in this:
> <n1:elem2 xmlns:n0="foo:bar"
>           xmlns:n1=""
>           xmlns:n3=""
>           xml:lang="en">
> <n3:stuff></n3:stuff>
> </n1:elem2>
> Given the interpretation below, the xml:lang="en" would have to be also
> in the n3:stuff element. And it isn't. So I would (again) say that the
> first reference of merlin-iaikTests-two.tar.gz is wrong.

Received on Friday, 24 May 2002 00:10:33 UTC