RE: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-xmldsig-core-2-02.txt

> This Internet Draft is the same as the current editor's draft. It's
> only change in the past couple of days is to update the status section
> to what it will be when approved as a W3C Recommendation. This was
> done to minimize required later changes.

By 'current editor's draft', are you referring to the PR version dated
August of this year?  Also, it would be nice if dates on W3C and IETF spec
can be synched or at least have explicit statement the status section of the
spec referring to both versions (W3C and IETF) so people will know that
August 2001 W3C version is same as October 2001 IETF version.  Something

IETF version:

"Contents of this document matchs that of W3C PR-xmldsig-core-20010820"

W3C version:

"Contents of this document matchs that of IETF

Which version of the spec are we talking about?
Wait a minute, I just got this October version here.
Thats IETF version!
So are they same?
I am not sure.  Can we diff across W3C and IETF?
Sure, it will cost you a six pack...
Look, I got this new Errata here!!!
Errata to which version?


Don Park

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2001 12:16:00 UTC