"An Introduction to XML Digital Signatures" white paper on XML.com

For those looking for a brief introduction to XML Signatures aimed at a
*general* XML audience, you might take a look at "An Introduction to XML
Digital Signatures", now appearing on XML.com ("http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/08/08/xmldsig.html").

General comments and comments on the sections, "Introduction" and "An Introduction
to Public Key Cryptography"may be addressed to Paul Madsen at Entrust <paul.madsen@entrust.com>.

Comments on the sections "Introduction to XML Signatures", "The Components
of an XML Signature", "How to Create an XML Signature", and "Verifying an
XML Signature" may be addressed to me <edsimon@xmlsec.com>.

Regards, Ed

P.S.  Note that in the third paragraph, the phrase "functionality that ...
Internet security technologies (e.g., SSL and username/password) do not
provide" should read "functionality that ... Internet security technologies
(e.g., SSL and username/password) do not provide *alone*".

Ed Simon
XMLsec Inc.

Interested in XML Security Training and Consulting services?  Visit "www.xmlsec.com".

Received on Friday, 10 August 2001 14:38:48 UTC