Canonical XML implementation

Hi all,

Just to update the c14n interop:

- Features (Octet stream input, withComments, Document Subsets, Node-set 
input) a 'yes' to all
- The examples (3.1-3.7) a 'yes' to all.
- The processor requirements: ?!? Question: Do we have test files for these 
3 cases that have to pass? I'm looking for a ZIP or TGZ with sample input 
and output to have the reference binary representation ...

The download URL of the software:
License: is BSD-style.
Language: JAVA - as almost everything ;-((
Implementor: University of Siegen

Apache Xerces v1.4.1 or the current CVS (1.4.2 has a bug)
Apache Xalan v2.2.D6 or newer
Apache Jakarta Log4J
JUnit for unit tests (ant to test the above examples)...

feedback welcome (simple run org.xmlsecurity.test.AllTests)


Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2001 16:12:49 UTC