RE: Tentative signature over C14N examples

Hi Merlin,

No, a namespace node is not omitted if the element's parent contains the
same namespace declaration.  Please see [1]


which says,

"This means that an element will have a namespace node:

for every attribute on the element whose name starts with xmlns:;

for every attribute on an ancestor element whose name starts xmlns: unless
the element itself or a nearer ancestor redeclares the prefix;

for an xmlns attribute, if the element or some ancestor has an xmlns
attribute, and the value of the xmlns attribute for the nearest such element
is non-empty

John Boyer
PureEdge Solutions Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 2:13 AM
To: John Boyer
Cc: XML DSig
Subject: Re: Tentative signature over C14N examples


>The C14N of e3 should ?not? have xmlns:w3c.
>Actually, it should have the w3c namespace.  Each node receives namespace
>nodes for its entire namespace context, including those derived from its

But are they not emitted from C14N if they are in scope and set for
the nearest parent in the node set?


[new xpath]

<!-- Evaluate with declaration xmlns:ietf="" -->

(//. | //@* | //namespace::*)
   self::ietf:e1 or (parent::ietf:e1 and not(self::text() or self::e2))
   count(id("E3")|ancestor-or-self::node()) =


<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!ATTLIST e2 xml:space (default|preserve) 'preserve'>
<doc xmlns="" xmlns:w3c="">
      <e2 xmlns="">
         <e3 id="E3"/>

[suggested c14n]

<e1 xmlns="" xmlns:w3c=""><e3 xmlns=""
xmlns:w3c="" id="E3" xml:space="preserve"></e3></e1>

[my c14n]

<e1 xmlns="" xmlns:w3c=""><e3 xmlns=""
id="E3" xml:space="preserve"></e3></e1>

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 11:45:37 UTC