Re: Comments on XML-Signature S&P draft

At 16:32 10/5/2000 +0900, TAMURA Kent wrote:
>I still have strangeness.

Ok, thanks for staying with me on this, but I still feel we're not on the 
same path.

>In your scenario, signature
>applications can not get correct meaning of a KeyInfo only from
>the KeyInfo itself.

Ok, let me restate the scenario:

Forget about KeyInfo for the time being.

In order for applications to do signature validation (3.2.2) it must use the 
specified SignatureMethod algorithm identifier. Since that is part of 
SignedInfo, and SignedInfo is potentially altered by CanonicalizeMethod 
before it is signed, signature validation should see the canonicalized form 
of the SignatureMethod algorithm identifier.

Joseph Reagle Jr.
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Thursday, 5 October 2000 19:34:14 UTC