AW: AW: Status of Implementations

Merlin & John,

I have already cut the examples out from the spec, please find them
attached to this email. Maybe you can check if they correspond exactly
with the ones in the spec. I remember that have also incorporated the
changes John is mentioning below.

The "doc.dtd", "earth.gif" and "world.txt" are necessary for example 7.

Regards, Gregor
Gregor Karlinger
Phone +43 316 873 5541
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications

> Hi Merlin,
> Actually, you can get the exact characters for each c14n example by
> downloading the spec and opening it in a text editor.
> Be careful to download it as a binary file.  For example, use IE
> and you go
> to the c14n spec, then right click the link to the c14n spec and choose
> 'Save Target As...", note that you have to choose 'All files' in the 'Save
> as type' popup so that IE will not rewrite the HTML for you as it comes
> down.
> Inside, there are comments containing the intended XML for each example
> (except possibly the use of \r\n line delimiters).  As well, the
> actual HTML
> for producing the examples contains <br/> commands to indicate line breaks
> and nbsp; for the specific number of spaces whenever multiple consecutive
> spaces are needed.
> Finally, note that the input for ex.3.6 requires a version number, and
> example 3.4 needs to have the leading and trailing space removed
> from the id
> attribute in the normId element (both previously found by Gregor
> Karlinger,
> and the latter reported more recently by Doug Bunting).  As well,
> note that
> the normId element in 3.4 intentionally doesn't work on validating
> processors.  When I tweak this example (soon), I will add a line that
> demonstrates almost all the same functionality for validating processors.
> Regards,
> John Boyer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 11:26 AM
> To: Joseph M. Reagle Jr.
> Cc: Gregor Karlinger;; John Boyer
> Subject: Re: AW: Status of Implementations
> Hi,
> I've attached a gzipped tarchive containing the usual suspects:
>   signature-enveloped-dsa.xml
>   signature-enveloping-b64-dsa.xml
>   signature-enveloping-dsa.xml
>   signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1-40.xml
>   signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1.xml
>   signature-enveloping-rsa.xml
>   signature-external-b64-dsa.xml
>   signature-external-dsa.xml
> Of minor interest is signature-enveloping-b64-dsa.xml which
> performs a base 64 decode step over an Object containing some
> base 64 data.
> In addition, there is a subdirectory containing the c14n stages
> of each signature. The largest change was in this aspect of the
> spec so this is where I believe most problems will occur.
> Major caveat: I've only managed to put a few hours into this,
> and my c14n with namespace axis is not happy. Fortunately, my
> greatest enemy is XPath and that is not represented here. So,
> while I can't say that I think I've tracked the latest specs,
> i don't think I'm too far off.
> Gregor: I could not verify your examples. Can you fire against
> mine and see if the problem is mutual? Perhaps we should compare
> c14n offline?
> Joseph: I'll try to produce a c14n stress signature. We also
> need a bunch more tests of the implicit comment stripping,
> etc.
> John: Do you have a copy of the c14n examples outside of an
> HTML document. I've had a hard time getting some of the weirder
> ones to work..
> Merlin
> r/
> >At 16:32 10/4/2000 +0200, Gregor Karlinger wrote:
> >> > 1. I never advertised the updated matrix[1], so if  {IBM,
> Done360, MS,
> >> > Baltimore, and anyone else} are at a similar level where exchanging
> >>Is there a more detailed test case description than the matrix you refer
> in
> >>[1]?
> >
> >Not yet, though I plan to put together a new version of the
> matrix today or
> >tomorrow that references the latest specs. Of course, to fill in
> the matrix
> >one of the implementors needs to send a batch of examples to the
> list (and
> >are automatically archived by the list mechanism) that I can
> reference and
> >others folks can test against and then tell me how to fill in
> the table for
> >their implementation.
> >
> >>Are there any other interop examples available than those provided by
> Merlin?
> >
> >Not yet. Just need someone who thinks they've tracked the latest specs to
> >put their examples out there. If you want to respond and send your
> examples,
> >I think that'd be great. Kent mentioned he should have his new
> code by the
> >end of the week.
> >
> >On the Canonicalization front, maybe we could take the examples from the
> >spec and put them in a separate directory, then sign every one of them (X
> >references for the X files/examples). This would be a really easy way to
> >test that spec.
> >
> >
> >__
> >Joseph Reagle Jr.
> >W3C Policy Analyst      
> >IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
> >

Received on Thursday, 5 October 2000 02:38:09 UTC