Re: RetrievalMethod

OK, I believe we have a consensus on the syntax I posted.


From:  merlin <>
Message-Id:  <>
To:  "Donald E. Eastlake 3rd" <>
In-reply-to:  <> 
Date:  Fri, 18 Aug 2000 21:51:52 +0100

>>If the inability to do an HTTP POST is a problem here, which I'm not
>>sure it is in a practical sense, then wouldn't we need to generalize
>>Reference also?  And no internal structure menas giving up on
>I think that the proposed solution is probably optimal; transform
>is known and supported and it covers most needs, subject to a
>definition of some standard types. The only motivation for an
>extended URI element (e.g., POST) is that, for example, LDAP URIs
>can be quite expansive. However, that can be solved in a particular
>implementation by a new KeyInfo element in just as interoperable
>a manner as an extended URI.
>So, I disagree with you not at all.

Received on Monday, 21 August 2000 15:27:33 UTC