Re: Clarify `UTF-8'


I'm plodding through email in my inbox for the next version and unless you
can provide a standard reference for UTF-8N we'll continue using the UTF-8
reference in the context of the XML specification that Boyer pointed out.

At 09:51 6/20/00 +0900, TAMURA Kent wrote:
 >XML Signature spec. and Canonical XML spec. refer 'UTF-8' many
 >times.  Please clarify which is each UTF-8, 'UTF-8' (with UTF-8
 >signature, EF BB BF) or 'UTF-8N' (without UTF-8 siganture).
 >See Table 2 in
 >TAMURA Kent @ Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Friday, 7 July 2000 22:03:46 UTC