Re: [Re: minor naming point (why full names are important for archiv in g)]

The simplicity of <MaximumSize> conveys a tone of clarity. 

Shirlene Bell

"Winchel 'Todd' Vincent, III" <> wrote:
> At 12:30 PM 9/20/99 -0400, Ed Simon wrote:
> >Are you saying that to not limit their range of applications, XML-based
> >specifications (like XSL and XSLT) SHOULD NOT USE hyphens in names?  That
> >a separator is wanted, underscores are preferable to hyphens?
> I personally find <max-size> more readable than <max_size> or
> <MaxSize>, but the two latter are somewhat less problematic. -Tim

My vote is for  <MaximumSize>.

I like to use the same name for (1) element names (2) database fields (3)
variable names and (4) sometimes directories.

For instance, if I have an ASP application that writes to a database, my
database field is "FirstName", the HTML form field is "FirstName", the ASP
variable name is "FirstName" and the corresponding XML element is
<FirstName>.  Makes life very simple and understandable . . . and allows me
to easily automate creating certain things, which I like a lot.

Hyphens sometimes break applications.  I can't recall ever having an
underscore break anything, but I avoid them because you can never be too
sure.  The above example isn't that great because neither hyphens or
underscores break any of the above . . . but I am certain I have had
problems with hyphens in other applications.


I also avoid abbreviations because I find that some people don't understand
other people's abbreviations.  This is especially true when two "cultures"
mix, which is the problem I have within "Legal XML" (i.e., XML for lawyers).
Avoiding abbreviations also helps with readability in general.  Plus, I
agree, some are of the opinion that mark-up should last forever (or at least
a long, long time) and that, in some cases, it should or will exist without
stylesheets -- in which case, for the sake of our ancestors, our names ought
to be very clear.  My preferences, in order follow:



Shirlene Bell

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Received on Tuesday, 21 September 1999 01:02:21 UTC