Re: Multiple signatures in a sig_block

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Smithies <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 6:58 AM
Subject: Multiple signatures in a sig_block

> The value of allowing multiple Signature elements in a SigBlock
> signatureBlock, whatever...) is that in the future, multiple signing
> technologies may well be used in the course of the same transaction, with
> the same intent, by the same person, governing the same content. It may
> also be that different signature standards are required by different
> recipients of the document.

Absolutely. We also need to create a mindset about how to journal changes in
a XML document and how to manage the direct policy linkage of the signed
objects to oneanother. These other tow uses may be at the app level and not
at the language or its syntax per say.

> It would clearly be efficient and useful from a
> procedural and evidentiary point of view for these signatures to be
> combined together into a single entity.

They will also need to be treatable separately


Received on Wednesday, 21 July 1999 10:33:11 UTC