Re: status code 425

On 20.07.2010 20:12, Cyrus Daboo wrote:
> ...
> Speaking of RFC 3648, have implementations of that been done? How would


> a server signal to a client that just the order of child resources in
> the collection has changed, but not the actual resource bodies? It would
> be really handy if the server could send a "diff" of the ordering
> changes to not require the client to do a depth:1 PROPFIND (which the
> sync REPORT seeks to reduce use of).

The issue never came up :-)

Do you believe that a PROPFIND with Depth:1 (and not using allprop) is 
expensive? It might be for large collections, but those are expensive in 
WebDAV anyway...

BR, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 20 July 2010 18:28:19 UTC