Re: WebDAV capabilities in HTML?

Jim Whitehead wrote:

> All,
> I am interested in your ideas on what WebDAV capabilities inside HTML  
> might look like.
> A Master's student at UC Santa Cruz is starting to explore this idea.  
> So far we are able to grab properties from a web resource and insert  
> them into an HTML page, and there are also facilities for iterating  
> over all resources in a collection while grabbing properties and  
> inserting them into the HTML. At present, we have only explored read- 
> only scenarios.
> So, what kinds of scenarios could be supported by DAV-in-HTML, and  
> what kinds of capabilities would HTML need to support to make this  
> possible?

I am not sure if I understand. Is the browser acting as a WebDAV client 
whereas the WebDAV commands are part of the HTML?

What usecases do you consider?



> Being able to write to properties seems potentially useful, though  
> it's unclear whether this is better than using native HTML forms and  
> POSTing data.
> - Jim

Michael Wechner
Wyona      -   Open Source Content Management   -    Apache Lenya                          
+41 44 272 91 61

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2006 21:06:45 UTC