Re: Issue 147 - Depth vs Conditional headers

Geoffrey M Clemm wrote:
> I don't see an alternative.  The only thing I'd suggest is to
> slightly simplify the qualifier by not referring to the If header
> (since we can state in the definition of If header that it
> doesn't recurse via Depth), i.e.:
> "Any headers on a method that has a defined interaction with the Depth
> header MUST be applied to all resources in the scope of the method
> except where alternative behavior is explicitly defined, and except for
> the If-* headers defined in RFC2616."

The reason I mentioned "If" as well is because people may still assume 
that a If header in tagged list form is going to be applied to all 
resources in scope, thus I preferred to be safe. If I'm the only one 
seeing that as a potential for confusion we can of course remove that 

Best regards, Julian

Received on Saturday, 7 January 2006 20:01:07 UTC