RE: new issue: DAV:displayname


I have installed "MS Sharepoint" and I tested the behavior of Sharepoint. 
Sharepoint is a basic WebDAV implementation. They have something like
versioning, but it's not DeltaV.

As far as I understand MS-Sharepoint, the behavior is:

	There is a URL "segment name" for the name of the resource.
	There is a DAV:displayname for the "title" of the resource. 

DAV:displayname normaly is not the same as the "segment name". So
DAV:displayname is a "dead" property
It's also possible NOT setting the property DAV:displayname.

Behavior is like 2). 


-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Reschke []
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 1:03 PM
To: 'Webdav WG'
Subject: new issue: DAV:displayname


looking at our recent discussion, I feel that we clearly have a problem with
the usage of DAV:displayname.

The current situation seems to be:

1) Some servers implement DAV:displayname as protected live property that
just reflects the last name segment of the request URI (Microsoft IIS)

2) Other servers implement DAV:displayname as dead property that by default
is not set until it get's explicitly set by a client (Apache moddav)

We are currently discussing whether 1) is ok. My position is that it's
clearly not, as

- the value of the last path segment is not "a description of the resource
that is suitable for presentation to a user",

- replicating something that's already available from the <href> element of
the PROPFIND response into a property just has no benefit at all,

- clients demonstratibly can cope with absent DAV:displayname values (as
they all interoperate with Apache moddav today) and finally

- the concept of a property that varies with the request URI is deeply
incompatible with the concept of multiple bindings to resources.

So my preference would be just to state that DAV:displayname SHOULD NOT be
used to replicate the information from the last path segment.

Another alternative would be to *deprecate* DAV:displayname and to define a
new property with more precisely defined semantics, such as DAV:description.

Note that this in fact *is* a interoperability issues, as we are getting
lots of complaints from users not being able to set display names on some
remote WebDAV servers mounted into the SAP Enterprise Portal.


<green/>bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 09:53:18 UTC