RE: Dublin Core in WebDAV, revisited

Thanks for taking the lead on this John! Please go ahead and submit this
draft, but after internally renaming it to draft-ietf-webdav-dublin-core-01
(the only other revision the IETF knows about is the -00 one).

After quickly reading through the document, it seems to me that most of the
pieces are in place, but I'd still like to see:

* A complete list of the names of the WebDAV properties that correspond to
each RDF element.  I think this is as easy as creating a table similar to
that in Section 5 of  I know
and you know they're going to be the same, as the element name, but I still
think it makes sense to spell this out.

* I'd feel much happier seeing a complete, non-trivial example done out.
I'd like to see Example 14 from put into
the document, (1) showing how a PROPPATCH would be used to set it, (2)
showing how PROPFIND can be used to retrieve an individual property from
this set (say dc:title), and (3) showing how PROPFIND can be used to
retrieve a few (but not all) of the DC properties, and (4) showing how
PROPFIND can be used to retrieve all of the DC properties in one request.

* I think you should bring in the RFC 2119 terms and then use them to be
more precise in some of the restrictions.  In particular, I think the
document should explicitly state that the abbreviated encoding MUST NOT be
used, and that multiple instances of each element (like multiple dc:creator
elements) MUST NOT be used.

This is a nice draft! With the changes suggested above, it's fairly close to
complete.  But, I'd appreciate it if other people familiar with DAV and RDF
would take a look.

Also, extra bonus points to the first person to write a small utility
program to allow me to save and read Dublin Core metadata on a resource.  I
suspect that using Jim Amsden's DAV4J client API (available at:, this would be trivial.

- Jim

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of John Stracke
> Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 1:40 PM
> To: WebDAV WG;
> Subject: Re: Dublin Core in WebDAV, revisited
> John Stracke wrote:
> > At Jim Whitehead's request, I have updated my Internet-Draft,
> > draft-ietf-webdav-dublin-core, on how to use Dublin Core metadata in
> > WebDAV.  This time it's much more coherent: since the Dublin Core group
> > has defined an RDF encoding for Dublin Core metadata, I can use that
> > syntax directly.  The new Draft is attached, so I can get comments
> > before resubmitting it.
> OK, the updated Draft, reflecting said comments, is attached.  If
> there are
> no objections, I will submit it as an Internet-Draft.

Received on Monday, 7 June 1999 18:50:50 UTC