Interop: sitecopy update

sitecopy can now use PROPFIND to fetch a site off a server. It sends only
the following request (with Depth infinity):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<propfind xmlns="DAV:">

Cyberteams WSD/DAV responds with:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

IIS5 beta (hosted by Jim W) has some weird problems with packet boundaries
- but seemingly if the PROPFIND is preceded by an OPTIONS, it works okay. 
Otherwise, it's pot luck. 

mod_dav works fine, PyDAV works fine, I think Zope works fine too but
their server is inaccessible at the mo.

sitecopy has also been doing MKREF for a while (to mirror symlinks) -
works really nicely with PyDAV, despite PyDAV implementing an older
spec... don't know of any other servers which support this.


ps: I'm happy to test against the IBM + Glyphica servers if they want.

Joe Orton ...

Received on Thursday, 13 May 1999 07:32:51 UTC