Proposal: BIND method

Within the author's group for Advanced Collections, we've been exploring the
idea of creating a mechanism for adding new URL to resource bindings,
possibly in addition to Direct References, perhaps to replace Direct

Since the goal of a Direct Reference is to create a new location in the HTTP
namespace which can be used to access the reference's target resource, the
basic idea behind the mapping concept is to have a mechanism for creating a
new URL for a resource which acts, in every possible way, just like any
existing URL does for any existing resource.

This would remove some of the limitations of Direct References which result
from a Direct Reference creating a resource for the direct reference, in
addition to the resource which is the target of the reference.  This extra
resource creates problems for methods which have a source and a destination
like COPY and MOVE -- which resource do they apply to by default, the
reference or the target?  The two resources also create problems for LOCK --
lock really needs to lock both to preserve RFC 2518 semantics.

Current best understanding of how a URL relates to a resource is given in
RFC 2396 (

I like to visualize the relationships between URI, resources, and underlying
chunks of state with the followng diagram:

    uri1    uri2     uri3
      \       |        |
       \      |        |
        \     |        |
         \    |        |
        |   resource R      |
        | chunk of state      |
        | (e.g., a file,      |
        |  or multiple files, |
        |  or a EEPROM memory |
        |  or database record |
        |  or DMS object, ...)|

That is, there is a mapping of one or more URIs to a resource, which is an
abstraction maintained by a server which models a chunk of state.  Note that
the same chunk of state can be mapped to more than one resource (and each
resource can be mapped to several URI).

In a nutshell, the proposed BIND method would take two URIs as input.  The
first one will be the new URI through which the resource will be accessible
once the operation has completed.  The other URI will be an existing URI by
which the resource is accessible.  When the server performs the operation,
it performs a lookup on uri3, finds the resource to which it has been
mapped, and then creates a new mapping of uri4 to that resource.

So, a bind operation with uri4 (new URI) and uri3 (existing URI) as inputs
on the resource in the previous diagram, would produce the following:

    uri1    uri2     uri3     uri4
      \       |        |       /
       \      |        |      /
        \     |        |     /
         \    |        |    /
        |   resource R      |
        | chunk of state      |
        | (e.g., a file,      |
        |  or multiple files, |
        |  or a EEPROM memory |
        |  or database record |
        |  etc.)              |

That is, after the operation, a GET on uri4 will produce the same response
as a GET on uri3, uri2, or uri1.  No new resource is created.  The chunk of
state has not been modified.

To preserve namespace consistency, the proposed BIND method would have some
side effects.  Creating a binding would have the side effect of adding the
new URI into its parent collection (take the new URI, whack off the last
path segment, then resolve this URI to a collection and add the new URI to
this collection.)  If the parent collection doesn't exist, BIND would fail.

BIND can create a binding to a collection resource.  The new collection
would behave exactly as would a current DAV collection.  This could create
loops, and servers would need to check for these during "Depth: infinity"

In the example above (a new URI, uri4 has been bound to resource R), the
effect of methods on the new URI is exactly the behavior these methods would
have if this binding had been created by another HTTP method, such as PUT
(which creates the resource, and also creates a binding from a URI to the

GET uri4: return an entity response for R

HEAD uri4: return the protocol metadata for the GET entity response for R

PUT uri4: if overwrite active, overwrites R, affecting the GET entity
response for uri1, uri2, and uri3

POST uri4: this method can do anything

OPTIONS uri4: return the same as OPTIONS on uri1, uri2, or uri3

DELETE uri4: my read of RFC 2068 is it deletes R, and removes the bindings
for uri1, uri2, uri3, and uri4  (we might want to introduce an UNBIND
operation which only removes the binding)

COPY uri4, uriX: duplicate R in new resource T, then create a mapping of
uriX to T.  Mappings of uri1, uri2, uri3, and uri4 are unaffected.

MOVE uri4, uriX: duplicate R in new resource T, then create a mapping of
uriX to T.  Perform fix-up stage, which is currently under-specified in RFC
2518, but which in this case would mean re-mapping uri1, uri2, and uri3 to
T.  One of the things that would be required by introducing BIND is to
specify well this "fix-up" stage.

LOCK uri4:  Resource R is locked, and the lock is visible via uri1, uri2,
and uri3.

UNLOCK uri4: remove the lock from R, and the lock is no longer visible via
uri1, uri2, and uri3.

PROPFIND uri4: retrieve properties on R

PROPPATCH uri4: set or delete properties on R

MKCOL uri4: fails, since there is already a resource bound to uri4.  But, if
no resource were bound to uri4, it would create a collection resource, and
bind it to uri4.

- Jim

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 1999 20:19:03 UTC