Re: Client Option for Strong References

"Roy T. Fielding" wrote:

> >I don't think this is a useful viewpoint.  They are dangling in a very real
> >sense: if you do a GET on them, you get an error.  That error is going to have
> >to be 404 (unless we define a new one and confuse all the existing clients),
> >which means that, as far as a client is concerned, the reference doesn't
> >exist--the client doesn't know that the 404 applies to the target.
> It does if the 404 response contains something specific to a reference,
> like a Ref-Type field.

But we need references to work for downlevel clients which understand only
HTTP/1.1 GET and PUT.

|John (Francis) Stracke    |My opinions are my own.|S/MIME supported |
|Software Retrophrenologist|=========================================|
|Netscape Comm. Corp.      | If you're omniscient, how do you know?  |
|      |                                         |

Received on Friday, 9 October 1998 14:03:58 UTC