Re: URI schemes used in vim: rcp://, scp://

On Wednesday, April 24, 2002, at 05:00  PM, Jimmy Cerra wrote:

> I'm no expert, but the document RFC 2718 (
> txt)
> recommends that:
> ---
> 2.1.2 Improper use of "//" following "<scheme>:"
>    Contrary to some examples set in past years, the use of double
>    slashes as the first component of the <scheme-specific-part> of a URL
>    is not simply an artistic indicator that what follows is a URL:
>    Double slashes are used ONLY when the syntax of the URL's <scheme-
>    specific-part> contains a hierarchical structure as described in RFC
>    2396.  In URLs from such schemes, the use of double slashes indicates
>    that what follows is the top hierarchical element for a naming
>    authority.  (See section 3 of RFC 2396 for more details.)  URL
>    schemes which do not contain a conformant hierarchical structure in
>    their <scheme-specific-part> should not use double slashes following
>    the "<scheme>:" string.
> ---
> I think that the use of double slashes in "scp://machine//path" is 
> improper,
> according to the above suggestion.

No, that is only referring to the double-slash after the scheme:.
A double-slash at the beginning is confusing and cannot be formed
as a relative URI reference, but it is allowed in an absolute URI.
That syntax is already used in ftp URLs.


Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2002 20:31:16 UTC