Re: Questions upon converting to ReSpec2

Hi Dan,

On May 17, 2012, at 15:07 , Dan Burnett wrote:
> I have reviewed the official html docs, but I can't seem to find a way to correct for the crucial differences below.  Can anyone suggest what parameters I need to set or help me understand what changes I need to make to fix these?
> - Previous version link is missing (specified as  previousURI: "")
> - Custom copyright line is missing (specified as  overrideCopyright: ((our text here)) )
> - SOTD has the inappropriate sentence "The group does not expect this document to become a W3C Recommendation." inserted!  Is this because the document is an ED?  If so, why the change?  It's clear that it's an editor's draft anyway without this sentence.
> - There seems to be no WebIDL Dictionary support -- all IDL, document sections, and corresponding ToC entries are missing.
> - in WebIDL, the Constructor parameters seem to be missing 
> - in WebIDL, array type attribute now has [] added in the description, which looks weird:  "remoteStreams of type array of MediaStream[]".  It makes it look like it's an array of an array, which it isn't.

These issues seem strange — I can't reproduce all of them using RSv2. I suspect something quite fishy is going on.

Can you try to point to v3 instead and tell me how it goes? Hopefully this should make your life *a lot* easier (it was made for that :).

The link to try is

> Also, I could not figure out how to reference ReSpec2 via a URI as with ReSpec.js, so I had to download and use a local copy.  This is likely because I am unfamiliar with Mercurial.  Does anyone know if there is a way to reference the official version of ReSpec2 via a simple URI?

Yes, the canonical v2 link was — but please try v3 instead!

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2012 14:36:27 UTC