Re: [respec] acronyms

Hi Giuseppe,

On Nov 22, 2011, at 15:13 , Giuseppe Pascale wrote:
> This doesn't seem to work for me though. Is it a known bug? Or is the documentation wrong? Or am I misunderstanding this?
> What I did is something like
> <abbr title="set-top box">STB</abbr>
> and I was expecting STB to become an <abbr> everywhere in the document.

No, that is supposed to work. Can you provide us with a pointer to the document where that isn't working? Also, since you work for Opera I guess that you're using your own browser: please know that some recent versions (11.62 and 12 at least) have introduced a regression that breaks ReSpec's text processing. The result is typically that the document is partially processed (and therefore overall looks more or less right) but not all processing has actually taken place (and notably not the text processing, which happens to be where the <abbr> code lives). Check the JS console for errors. If that's the problem you're seeing, it's unlikely that we'll fix it since it's a bug in Opera that should normally get fixed with the next version (though patches are welcome, if not too hairy!). You can work around it by downgrading to 11.52 (or using a competitor's product).

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 15:07:48 UTC