Allow scraps/productions without titles?

James Clark has requested that the required title on the scrap element in
the XMLspec DTD be relaxed to "optional" status.  I felt that there is too
much value in keeping it titled, because then stylesheets can continue to
reliably generated (for example) Tables of Productions, and specrefs to
scraps will continue to work.

However, I suggested that prod could be allowed directly inside section
content, and James thought this would work.  He also pointed out that
prodgroup could be allowed directly.

My question to the XMLspec-using community: Is everyone okay with my adding
prod and prodgroup to %illus.class;, so that they'll be allowed in all the
same places as scrap, and people can choose whether to have "formal" or
"informal" productions/groups?  If so, I'll be making this change in the
next couple of weeks, at the same time as I make some other requested
changes and fixes.


Received on Saturday, 10 April 1999 17:05:46 UTC