Change of W3C website to HTML5?

Dear Ian,

HTML5 is in all the media at the moment.
Good work, it's great to have such a wide media coverage!

Apart from a very big xxx website using mainly flash videos, there have not
been any announcements that somebody intends to 'update' to HTML5.
According to statistics, around half of the browsers used currently cannot
show videos. Mainly old browsers and IE browsers are incompatible.

Here the idea:
How about changing the W3C website from XHTML 1.0 to HTML5 to present the
possibilities of this innovation?

If W3C would make such a step and would show a video on the homepage (to
those who have a 'modern' browser), it would also put some pressure on MS to
speed up with an update to make their browsers compatible.

If I do understand correctly, all browsers can already show the other
elements of HTML5 (apart from videos). So the website would still be
accessible for everybody.

Best regards,

Markus Meister

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Received on Wednesday, 26 May 2010 16:28:51 UTC