Re: Certification services?

On Wed, 2007-10-03 at 13:41 +0000, Britton M. Iverson wrote:
> To Whom it May Concern,
> After searching your site for almost an hour now (as well as Google,
> which apparently you work with), I cannot find any information
> regarding certification of HTML, XML, CSS, etc. on your website.  Do
> you offer such tests/services?  The only sites that come up are ones
> which it would take work to validate as credible certification
> organizations ...
> I would think that such certification programs would add credibility
> to your organization - am I missing something?  I would prefer to use
> your organization to list as having given certification rather than
> another organization that exists merely to make money off of people
> such as me - I am not opposed to paying for said certification, but
> would like a reputable name behind it.  Are there organizations that
> you endorse if you do not offer such services?
> Any feedback is appreciated, and I thank you for your time.

Hello Britton,

Thank you for writing. The short answer is that we do not have
any certification services at this time. This is something we
are considering, however, and your suggestion is helpful.

We are also not currently endorsing any other certification services,
although that may be part of the solution in the future.

I wish I could provide you with more guidance today but we are just
starting our own discussions on this topic. 

Thank you,

 _ Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2007 14:03:05 UTC