Certification services?

To Whom it May Concern,

After searching your site for almost an hour now (as well as Google, which apparently you work with), I cannot find any information regarding certification of HTML, XML, CSS, etc. on your website.  Do you offer such tests/services?  The only sites that come up are ones which it would take work to validate as credible certification organizations ...

I would think that such certification programs would add credibility to your organization - am I missing something?  I would prefer to use your organization to list as having given certification rather than another organization that exists merely to make money off of people such as me - I am not opposed to paying for said certification, but would like a reputable name behind it.  Are there organizations that you endorse if you do not offer such services?

Any feedback is appreciated, and I thank you for your time.

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2007 14:00:26 UTC