Re: w3schools

Gruff Edwards wrote:
> Hi Site Comments
> I cannot currently access w3schools, which appears as a link under Home
> Page/CSS and possibly elsewhere on the site.
> I was able to access the site up until around Nov. 2nd, but now I get (from
> IE5)
> "Status : 403 Forbidden
> Description : Organizational policies prohibit access to this page.
> Note : If necessary, please contact your Systems Administrator for
> resolution."
> I  doubt that our Systems Administrator changed anything at the weekend. Has
> security been changed for w3schools site recently?

You'll have to contact w3schools for that information.

Today, by the way, I can access at least their home page.

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2001 08:03:25 UTC