Index of guidelines

Hi W3C

I have just been roaming around the site trying to get a clear understanding
of the scope etc of your guidelines and have found it difficult to get a
clear picture.

Can I suggest that you have an easy to find link that take the user to an
index of guidelines only (or do you have it and I just missed it). I would
find this handy not only to get a clearer picture of what the guidelines
cover, but very valuable when developing terms of reference for the
development of a new site (I could simply point to this index an have the
confidence that all involved could have a clear picture of the umbrella of
W3C guidelines).

I believe the W3C guidelines will help avoid a lot of the pitfalls of
website development/ownership and this simple listing would make it easier
to harness your good work.


Jeff Major

Project Manager
Wheatbelt Development Commission
Phone: 08 9622 7222
Fax: 08 9622 7406

Received on Friday, 28 December 2001 08:21:19 UTC