Re: Relationships and Relations

Hi Hans

I've brought this topic up a couple of times in other forums, albeit for
linguistic reasons, and it's just my opinion but I think the distinction is
useful. Taking the natural language/philosophical definitions, in my view
it's something like this:

    Relation: isHusbandOf
    Property: isHusbandOf Pete
    Relationship: Pete isHusbandOf Mary

And yeah Relation, Property, and Relationship can definitely be classes of
things, in my view Relationship is simply a subclass of Event.

I take this interpretation mainly from these very good articles:

Comparing disciplines I see equivalencies between:
    Relation (philosophy and natural language)
    Predicate (RDF)
    Property (object-oriented programming)

And between:
    Property (philosophy and natural language)
    Predicate-object pair (RDF)
    Property-value pair (object-oriented programming)

And between:
    Relationship (philosophy and natural language)
    Subject-predicate-object triple (RDF Statement) (RDF)

I hope it it can still help even though it's all simply my own opinion,
there are definitely others opinions.


On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 12:12 PM Laufer <> wrote:

> Hi, Hans,
> Maybe the singleton property could help:
> Regards,
> Laufer
> Em 09/11/2019 9:24, escreveu:
> Hi,
> I would like to hear your opinion about the following.
> I propose to make a distinction between the terms ‘Relationship’ an
> ‘Relation’ (‘Property’), not for linguistic reasons but to avoid
> reification when that is not necessary.
> I know that I am on thin ice, so be it.
> Right now we have  something like
>    - Pete isHusbandOf Mary
>    - Mary isWifeOf Pete.
> But these *Relation*s/Properties actually are Roles in a missing
> *Relationship* called Marriage.
> We can also state:
>    - MarriagePeteMary hasHusband Pete
>    - MarriagePeteMary hasWife Mary
> where MarriagePeteMary is Relationship and an instance of the owl:Class
> ‘Marriage’, or rather its specialization ‘Hetero Marriage’.
> As a consequence we can easily represent information about that
> Relationship.
> It appears to me that there are many such Relationships that qualify for
> being an owl:Class in their own right.
> Think about Parenthood, Composition, Employment, etc.
> Please concur or shoot.
> Regards,
> Hans
> ---
> 劳费尔
> .  .  .  .. .  .
> .        .   . ..
> .     ..       .

Received on Monday, 11 November 2019 19:38:10 UTC