Re: Controlled English Business Rules for RDF/OWL


2017-05-11 18:14 GMT+02:00 Juan Sequeda <>:

> I'm looking for pointers (papers and ideally working software), that takes
> business rules, written in controlled natural language, in terms of an OWL
> ontology and compiles to formal rules (let it be SPIN, SPARQL) and then
> executed by a rule engine by evaluating queries directly in a triplestore.

Would you mind elaborating a bit more on your envisioned sample use case
and/or provide examples for such business rules?

Are you talking about something like:

:alice a :client ;
   foaf:age 10 ;
   :insurance_ratio 0 .

:bob a :client ;
   foaf:age 20 ;
   :insurance_ratio 0 .

BR: "If the age of the client is between 18 and 25 then set the insurance
ratio to 125"

:alice a :client ;
   foaf:age 10 ;
   :insurance_ratio 0 .

:bob a :client ;
   foaf:age 20 ;
   :insurance_ratio 125 .


something like [1]?

There was also an FP7 project called *ONTORULE (ONTOlogies meet business
RULEs*) [2] which might be worth a look.

br, simon

[1] Amina Chniti <>, Sylvain
Dehors <>, Patrick Albert
<>, Jean Charlet
Authoring Business Rules Grounded in OWL Ontologies. RuleML 2010

2017-05-11 18:14 GMT+02:00 Juan Sequeda <>:

> All,
> I'm looking for pointers (papers and ideally working software), that takes
> business rules, written in controlled natural language, in terms of an OWL
> ontology and compiles to formal rules (let it be SPIN, SPARQL) and then
> executed by a rule engine by evaluating queries directly in a triplestore.
> Thanks for the pointers!
> Juan
> --
> Juan Sequeda, Ph.D
> +1-575-SEQ-UEDA

Received on Friday, 12 May 2017 04:53:57 UTC