OWL Time Ontology update

Dear all,

 From time to time, I get asked about the status of the Time Ontology in 
OWL, originally published as a first draft Note back in September 2006. 
That's how it stayed for 10 years but work has been going on in the 
Spatial Data on the Web WG to extend it to cover time reference systems 
other than the Gregorian calendar.

The original ontology is unchanged.

The WG would like to advance the current work through to formal W3C 

If you are a user of the original OWL Time Ontology [1] and/or are 
interested in the topic and wish to make comments on the revised version 
[2], your comments will be very welcome. Please send any comments to 
public-sdw-comments@w3.org rather than this list.

Ironically, the WG is short of time so the sooner comments are received 
the better.



[1] https://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-owl-time-20060927/
[2] http://w3c.github.io/sdw/time/


Phil Archer
Data Strategist, W3C

+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2017 15:38:30 UTC