Re: Property or class?

* Victor Porton <> [2014-09-01 15:28+0300]
> 01.09.2014, 10:07, "Hm Hrm" <>:
> > On 08/31/2014 06:43 PM, Victor Porton wrote:
> >>  Suppose P is a precedence of operation X. Should I write "X a P ." or
> >>  "X :precedence P ." (in Turtle format)?
> >>
> >>  What are (dis)advantages of both variants?
> >
> > Assuming that the property should link instance P to instance X, both of
> > class :Operation, then you should use "X :precedence P".
> >
> > "X a P", a shortcut for "X rdf:type P", would imply that P is an
> > rdf:Class and X an instance of said class P. Extending the semantics of
> > 'rdf:type' and using an instance as a class seems a bad idea.
> P is a class (because I want rdf:subClassOf for properties.
> But I yet doubt whether an operation should be an instance of precedence.

I wouldn't advise it, but you could always say that Addition is an
instance of a thing with precedence 2 and Multiplication ... 6 (from
My guess is that instead you want to model more like this:

  :precedenceIncludes a owl:ObjectProperty .
  :PrecedenceAtLeast1 a owl:Class .
  :PrecedenceAtLeast2 rdfs:subClassOf a :PrecedenceAtLeast1 .
  :PrecedenceAtLeast3 rdfs:subClassOf a :PrecedenceAtLeast2 .
  # ...
  :Operation a owl:Class;
    rdfs:subClassOf [
      owl:onProperty :precedenceIncludes ;
      owl:someValuesFrom :PrecedenceAtLeast1
    ] .
  :Addition rdfs:subClassOf
      :Operation ,
      [ owl:onProperty :precedenceIncludes ;
        owl:someValuesFrom :PrecedenceAtLeast2 ]
  :Multiplication rdfs:subClassOf
      :Operation ,
      [ owl:onProperty :precedenceIncludes ;
        owl:someValuesFrom :PrecedenceAtLeast6 ]

That way you can apply the T-box to an A-box (e.g. a parse graph over
which you are doing static analysis) and leverage inferences from the

> --
> Victor Porton -


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