> I'm not a linked data expert, but if you are looking to query for RDF
> triples from the "wild and woolly internet", I'd say you'd need a
> semantic web index such as http://sindice.com/. Alternatively, you can
> query RDF data sets that are published by organizations, such as
> http://dbpedia.org <http://dbpedia.org/About>. (See [] for more of these.)
> An alternative to this would be the LOD Laundromat [1]. This (re)
publishes many Linked Datasets in the same gzipped n-triple/quad format. To
get started, there are some example scripts [2] which query the LOD
Laundromat endpoint for datasets, and stream through the data dumps
gr Laurens
[1] http://lodlaundromat.org
[2] https://github.com/LODLaundry/GettingStarted/
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Faculty of Exact Sciences
Department of Computer Science
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