Re: Shopping for research venues

Hi Paul, thanks for the notice!

Looks like PeerJ is 50 steps ahead of the "state of the art" SW / LD 
research venues. Most definitely in the right direction.

I'd be content with venues saying "You may submit your research by 
proving its URI : HTML(+RDFa)" for starters.


On 03/21/2013 12:20 PM, Paul Groth wrote:
> I don't know if it's exactly what Sarven wants but PeerJ
> ( publishes great looking html based papers and with
> RDF metadata for all their papers. It's also open access.
> Thanks
> Paul
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Andrea Splendiani
> < <>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Cannot answer your first question, but I think the idea is worth
>     exploring.
>     You would need a few things:
>     1) A guarantee that the content at the page doesn't change without
>     notice, so that comments/judgements refer to the correct thing. You
>     can use some checksum-based method for this.
>     2) Some consistent format and annotation, to facilitate search. Not
>     only from a computational perspective, we rely on some pattern
>     (abstract/methods/result) to quickly scan some artifact. So ok, we
>     can have some guidelines the research paper need to comply to (so we
>     need a sort of validator).
>     3) Some guarantee of persistency. That could be supplemented by an
>     established archives that can resolve dead URLs....
>     4) A peer review sort of system, that in this case could be
>     post-publication, maybe coupled with some new metrics.
>     5) A selection criteria could be useful as well.
>     I'm sure you know: They store different things
>     (not executable), but no peer-review associated.
>     For executable content, beside Javacript&webby thing, it could make
>     sense to publish virtual machines these days.
>     best,
>     Andrea
>     Il giorno 20/mar/2013, alle ore 11:36, Sarven Capadisli
>     < <>>
>       ha scritto:
>      > Dear community,
>      >
>      > I would like to know which venues (e.g., conferences, journals)
>     are out there that accepts research documents in
>     (X)HTML+CSS+JavaScript+MathML+SVG etc. as the primary and final
>     format. On that note, which accepts an HTTP URI of the research?
>      >
>      > As far as I know, there are none out there, but I want to be
>     wrong about this!
>      >
>      > What I'm hoping for are a bunch of things:
>      >
>      > Although not ultimately necessary, a venue to submit to that
>     would have some weight given "reviewed and approved" stamps.
>      >
>      > Not being at the mercy of classical publishers needs when it
>     comes to sharing knowledge given the technologies that we have at
>     our disposal.
>      >
>      > In the absence of such forward-looking venues, I would love to
>     see an open discussion on what's really needed to make it happen and
>     be it the default approach when it comes to sharing research
>     findings. Pragmatic approaches are always welcome, so, this doesn't
>     have to be about "how to we make all scholarly publishing get on the
>     Web?", but rather for starters, "how do we make scholarly work of
>     Linked Data and Semantic Web researchers and practitioners get on
>     the Web"?
>      >
>      > I don't mean to belittle or overlook the hard work that some
>     groups are already actively involved in e.g., Semantic Web Journal,
>     Semantic Web Dog Food, FORCE11. I'm merely looking for more out of
>     this community.
>      >
>      > For those that this sounds desirable, please voice yourself
>     because there are indeed many like you!
>      >
>      > Humbly yours,
>      >
>      > -Sarven
>      >
>      >
> --
> --
> Dr. Paul Groth ( <>)
> Assistant Professor
> - Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Group |
>    Artificial Intelligence Section | Department of Computer Science
> - The Network Institute
> VU University Amsterdam

Received on Sunday, 24 March 2013 18:19:32 UTC