Re: Shopping for research venues


Cannot answer your first question, but I think the idea is worth exploring.
You would need a few things:
1) A guarantee that the content at the page doesn't change without notice, so that comments/judgements refer to the correct thing. You can use some checksum-based method for this.
2) Some consistent format and annotation, to facilitate search. Not only from a computational perspective, we rely on some pattern (abstract/methods/result) to quickly scan some artifact. So ok, we can have some guidelines the research paper need to comply to (so we need a sort of validator).
3) Some guarantee of persistency. That could be supplemented by an established archives that can resolve dead URLs....
4) A peer review sort of system, that in this case could be post-publication, maybe coupled with some new metrics.
5) A selection criteria could be useful as well.

I'm sure you know: They store different things (not executable), but no peer-review associated.
For executable content, beside Javacript&webby thing, it could make sense to publish virtual machines these days.


Il giorno 20/mar/2013, alle ore 11:36, Sarven Capadisli <>
 ha scritto:

> Dear community,
> I would like to know which venues (e.g., conferences, journals) are out there that accepts research documents in (X)HTML+CSS+JavaScript+MathML+SVG etc. as the primary and final format. On that note, which accepts an HTTP URI of the research?
> As far as I know, there are none out there, but I want to be wrong about this!
> What I'm hoping for are a bunch of things:
> Although not ultimately necessary, a venue to submit to that would have some weight given "reviewed and approved" stamps.
> Not being at the mercy of classical publishers needs when it comes to sharing knowledge given the technologies that we have at our disposal.
> In the absence of such forward-looking venues, I would love to see an open discussion on what's really needed to make it happen and be it the default approach when it comes to sharing research findings. Pragmatic approaches are always welcome, so, this doesn't have to be about "how to we make all scholarly publishing get on the Web?", but rather for starters, "how do we make scholarly work of Linked Data and Semantic Web researchers and practitioners get on the Web"?
> I don't mean to belittle or overlook the hard work that some groups are already actively involved in e.g., Semantic Web Journal, Semantic Web Dog Food, FORCE11. I'm merely looking for more out of this community.
> For those that this sounds desirable, please voice yourself because there are indeed many like you!
> Humbly yours,
> -Sarven

Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 12:11:28 UTC