RDF/A in the wild?


There seems to be no activity on the more public list. I hope this is 
not an inappropriate question.

I probably have a fundamental misunderstanding but, where can I see 
RDF/A being used on a web page and resulting in the data being used to 
produce detailed search results in a search engine. The point being a 
real world actual use of RDF/A, not an example of how to use RDF/A.

If I look on the goodrelations website, there are examples of marking up 
web pages with microdata or rdf/a but the pages themselves do not use 
microdata or rdf/a. Or, I am looking in the wrong place.

Another example, if I search for best buy, for example, in google, I see 
detailed search results, but I see no microdata or RDF/A anywhere that I 
have looked there.

What am I missing?


ThisIsHardToRead, asIsThis. This_is_easier, unless_it_is_underlined. This.is.easy. This-is-easy-too. Almost as easy to read as this.

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:05:56 UTC