Re: Template language for SPARQL?

On Thu, 2012-05-31 at 21:45 -0400, David Booth wrote:
> [Resending, as my previous message never showed up.]
> I would like to be able to write something like this:
>   SELECT ?s
>   WHERE { ?s a ${CLASS} . }
> and have ${CLASS} substituted in from an environment variable or other
> parameter, but SPARQL does not currently provide anything like this, and
> it's clearly beyond what the working group could put in SPARQL 1.1.  
> So I'm wondering . . . 
> What have others been using as a template language for SPARQL?  
> I know TopQuadrant uses an RDF representation for SPARQL CONSTRUCT
> queries in conjunction with SPIN, 
> but it shreds the SPARQL query into tiny RDF pieces, which is rather
> unfriendly for a human to read.  It would be much nicer to have
> something like the above.
> How are others handling the need to parameterize their SPARQL queries
> like this?

In Callimachus we have created four types of query parameters for use
with query string parameters. You can read about them here:


Received on Friday, 8 June 2012 17:58:39 UTC