SOPA, Wikipedia and World Intellectual Property Organization

If the USA passes the SOPA-PIPA legislation a commercial global war will follow with each country or region or trade blocks like the European Union who take issue with the consequences of the introduction of the US laws coming up with their own flavor of SOPA-PIPA.

Next thing you know every consumer will have to buy printed manuals of internet intellectual property etiquette to know how to navigate the web.

The big losers will be the individuals, individual artists, consumers, publishers of online information.

There are international treaties for protecting intellectual property, the UN body which is tasked to deal with this is the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO),

All parties to these treaties must ensure that equality, fairness and due process and procedures are followed in compliance of the treaties, which means that the enforcement of one party to the treaty's rights cannot infringe on the rights of other parties to the treaty.

Since the internet is an open access public domain for publishing information and data, the WIPO must act as an arbiter in all issues pertaining to intellectual property treaties.

The last thing we need in these times of global economic malaise, is an escalation of trade conflicts created by lopsided US national intellectual property protection legislation affecting every other nation on the Internet.

Since the Internet is area of work/internet of at least have a dozen UN bodies, including UNESCO, WTO and others, IMHO the WIPO should issue a statement, clarifying at least how to come to a much overdue consensus on how to technically protect online intellectual property in line with compliance of the principles of treaties for protecting intellectual property.

Without this the Semantic Web will have no future.

Milton Ponson
GSM: +297 747 8280
PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
Project Paradigm: A structured approach to bringing the tools for sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide by creating ICT tools for NGOs worldwide and: providing online access to web sites and repositories of data and information for sustainable development

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