Re: data schema / vocabulary / ontology / repositories

Hi Dieter:

There are several ontology repositories available on-line, but to my knowledge they all suffer from two serious limitations:

1. They do not rate ontologies by quality/relevance/popularity, so you do not get any hint whether foaf:Organization or foo:Organization will be the best way to expose your data.
2. The selection of ontologies listed is, to say the best, often biased or partly a random choice. I do not know any repository that 
- has a broad coverage, 
- includes the top 25 linked data ontologies and
- lists more non-toy ontologies than abandoned PhD project prototypes.

As a pragmatic choice:

can give you hints on namespace and class popularity (but misses out on properties and ontological individuals).

The most useful tool for your purpose is likely

It's top 50 namespaces will point into the right direction.

But in essence, you are correct that it is difficult for someone external to the LOD core community to find the identifier of the best conceptual element for a given modeling task.


PS: If you are looking for specific classes, will almost always have a valid OWL DL definition for you.

On Mar 13, 2011, at 10:18 PM, Christopher Gutteridge wrote:

> That gives me quite an interesting idea.. you could do some studies with queries to find what predicates were used to link common classes, e.g. link people to documents, to places, to other people...
> Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 3/13/11 12:15 PM, Dieter Fensel wrote:
>>> Dear all, 
>>> for a number of projects I was searching for vocabularies/Ontologies 
>>> to describe linked data. Could you please recommend me places 
>>> where to look for them? I failed to find a convenient entrance point for such 
>>> kind of information. I only found some scattered information here and 
>>> there? 
>>> Thanks, 
>>> Dieter 
>> Dieter,
>> Do you mean: I would a place where I can search for vocabularies and assess their usage across LOD datasets? Goal being reuse of existing terms re. new datasets coming into the burgeoning LOD cloud?
>> If the above is true, the you can do the following:
>> 1. Goto  -- the live 15 Billion+ triples LOD Cloud Cache we maintain
>> 2. Enter a text pattern (with Class, Property, or Vocabulary discovery in mind)
>> 3. On receipt of the initial results page, use the Links in the Navigation section to filter by Type or other Attributes (so you are looking for Entities of type: Ontology or Class or Property
>> 4. Once you find one of the Entity Types above, click on the "describe" link
>> 5. At this point navigation should be obvious i.e. you can use isDefinedby to find the Ontology associated with Classes and Properties or use the inverse relations to find the Class and Properties defined by an Ontology.
>> Hope this helps.  
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen	      
>> President & CEO 
>> OpenLink Software     
>> Web: 
>> Weblog: 
>> Twitter/ kidehen 
> -- 
> Christopher Gutteridge -- 
> You should read the ECS Web Team blog: 

Received on Monday, 14 March 2011 08:28:36 UTC