Re: a blank node issue

On 3 Mar 2011, at 07:55, Reto Bachmann-Gmuer wrote:
> I thought the discussion was about how to best use the technologies at hand, not about which technologies are widely deployed.

If features X has been in the spec for seven years and has had no impact on deployments, then it's safe to say that X is not the best way of using the spec.

What have you learned about RDF since 2004?

> I've rarely dealt with RDF applications that do not have mechanisms to prevent or remove redundancies.

Of course, but these mechanisms have nothing to do with blank node leanification.

> Besides creating redundant graphs starts on the first slides of an rdf introduction, 

Show me that slide set please.

> a simple aggregator:
> g = new Model
> while(true) {
>   g load <http://.../some.rdf>
>   sleep(...)
> }
> If some.rdf contains bnodes g will be non-lean after two iterations.

That's not a simple aggregator, it's just broken. Why would you load the same graph multiple times unless you expect the graph to change over time.

Put g into a named graph, and replace its entire contents on each load.


> Cheers,
> Reto

Received on Thursday, 3 March 2011 12:00:09 UTC