search result ontology?

Has anyone ever seen an ontology for web search results? I just took a 
quick look in,, and Schemapedia with no luck, so I'm 
asking here.

If I used to search on "Elvis Presley", I can 
picture a simple Turtle representation of the search results like this:

   @prefix bse: <>

<> a bse:Search ;
        bse:result <> ,
<> ,
<> .

It's tempting to add more data such as the titles of the web pages, but 
if you want them and you have the result URLs above you can just go get 
them. Still, a date and time stamp for the search would be good, because 
search results can change over time, so you might have this:

<> a bse:Search ;
          bse:results _:b0 .
   _:b0 dc:date "2010-11-12T18:31:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        bse:result <> ,
<> ,
<> .

Of course, ultimately it would all be in RDFa.

Comments or or suggestions?



Received on Saturday, 13 November 2010 15:41:28 UTC