Re: RDF 2.0 Wishlist - Legal RDF which I can't SPARQL

On 29/07/2010 6:22 PM, Paul Gearon wrote:
 > On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Paul Gearon<>  wrote:
 > <snip/>
 >> In a hack similar to the one I mentioned with FILTER, but you can 
always say:
 >> insert { graph<>  {
 >>   ?u  foo:Property  "something" } }
 >> { { select IRI("`uri") as ?u {} } }

but it still isn't a legal IRI.

There are two levels here:

The syntax, that says:

IRI_REF	  ::=  	'<' ([^<>"{}|^`\]-[#x00-#x20])* '>'

but also the syntax rules in the URI RFC (now RFC 3986) including any 
scheme-specific rules.

Last time, IIRC DAWG decided not to copy over the full grammar for IRIs, 
but to put in a more general but smaller pattern.

For example, "[" "]" are only legal as delimiters for IPv6 addresses in 
the authority part.


 >> But then I realized that this uses a non-standard constructor for
 >> IRIs! I should raise this as a possible function for SPARQL 1.1.
 > I just realized that this *is* valid SPARQL 1.1. The documentation for
 > IRI() isn't defined everywhere yet (it has its own section, but
 > doesn't yet appear in the tables).
 > BTW, I'm not saying that this is the solution. (All those curly braces
 > give me the shivers). But it is *a* solution.  :-)
 > Regards,
 > Paul Gearon

Received on Thursday, 29 July 2010 17:41:10 UTC