Re: a list of companies active in the semantic technology area


On 22 Dec 2010, at 17:28, Martin Hepp wrote:

> Hi all:
> Apologies for my late reply, end of term season ;-)
> It is very easy to create and maintain such a directory based on GoodRelations - actually, the following should already work pretty well as of today :
> 1. A company describes its range of products and services using GoodRelations, e.g. using the GoodRelations   Annotator
Hi used this to produce the goodrelations.rdf
> Many SW companies have done so already, e.g.
And put the file in place.
However, there is no link from the main page.
You might want to add to the instructions to add the 
<link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="RDF/XML data for Franz Inc." href="/goodrelations.rdf" />
to it.

(I know that RDFa is preferred, but some CMS systems barf at trying to do it, as ours did.)

So the quickest way for us is to add the standalone file and the link rel, which I understand is an acceptable structure.

Good stuff!
> 2. The site informs one or more RDF repositories / crawlers of that data, e.g. or Ping The Semantic Web so that they can crawl and collate the data.
> 3. Rund a query for matching companies against a suitable SPARQL endpoint
> See an example query below. The query may not yet be perfect, because testing them on
> currently yields an error message
> "37000 Error SQ156: Internal Optimized compiler error : dt not found based on cname in sqlo.c:1078."
> which I do not understand, so I cannot quickly spot whether it's the query or the endpoint.
> The basic pattern would be to
> - search for gr:BusinessEntities
> - that make at least one gr:Offering that is related to semantic technology.
> The latter can be expressed - approximately - by
> - checking for the words
> "semantic", "RDF", "ontolog", "OWL", "triplestore", or "linked data"
> - in the textual elements attached to the gr:Offering or
> - the textual elements of a product or product model linked to that offer via gr:includes, and also
> - considering  gr:Offering nodes that include objects that are instances of subclasses of gr:ProductOrService that contain one of these words in the class name, or in its superclasses class names.
> Nice example for a typical hybrid SPARQL query in a real world setting ;-)
> Best
> Martin
> # List all companies that sell/lease/maintain etc. semantic technology
> SELECT ?c ?page ?legalname WHERE
> {
>  ?c a gr:BusinessEntity .
>  ?c gr:legalName ?legalname .
>  OPTIONAL { ?c foaf:page ?page }
>  ?c gr:offers ?o .
> # Now we have to check that they sell something "semantic"
> # Option 1: The offering contains "semantic", "RDF", "ontolog", "OWL", "triplestore", or "linked data"
>  {
> 	{ ?o ?textprop ?text . }
> # Option 2: The product or product class contains one of those words
> 	{
> 	  {
>  		{ ?o gr:includes ?product. }
>   		UNION
> 	  	{ ?o gr:includesObject ?t .
> 	  	  ?t a gr:TypeAndQuantityNode .
> 	  	  ?t gr:typeOfGood ?product .
> 	    }
> # The UNION pattern above is because we cannot assume that the expansion of gr:includes is materialized in triples
> # See	
> 	  }
> # Option 2a: The product contains one of those words
> 	  ?product ?textprop ?text .
> # Option 2b: The product is an instance of a class that contains those words in their name
> 	  ?product a ?class .
> 	  ?class rdfs:subClassOf gr:ProductOrService .
> 	  ?class ?textprop ?text .
> # Also consider labels of superclasses	
>  	    		?class rdfs:subClassOf ?superclass .
>  		    	?superclass ?textprop ?text .}	
> 	}
>  }
> # Constrain the relevant text properties
>  FILTER (?textprop = rdfs:label || ?textprop = rdfs:comment || ?textprop = gr:name || ?textprop = gr:description )
> # Check for significant words
>  FILTER ( bif:contains(?text, "semantic") || bif:contains(?text, "RDF") ||
>  	bif:contains(?text, "ontolog") || bif:contains(?text, "OWL") || bif:contains(?text, "triplestore") ||
>  	bif:contains(?text, "linked data") )
> }
> LIMIT 10
> -------------------------------------------------
> martin hepp
> e-business & web science research group
> universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen
> e-mail:
> phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
> fax:     +49-(0)89-6004-4620
> www: (group)
> (personal)
> skype:   mfhepp
> twitter: mfhepp
> Check out GoodRelations for E-Commerce on the Web of Linked Data!
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Hugh Glaser,  
              Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia
              School of Electronics and Computer Science,
              University of Southampton,
              Southampton SO17 1BJ
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Received on Thursday, 23 December 2010 11:24:54 UTC